
Solingen sunset from cc building

Hosting a Restic backup on IONOS cloud S3 storage

Restic is a slim and fast backup-solution tailored for users who prefer automation capabilities over a fancy user interface. It also supports off-site backups out of the box, using standard protocols such as SSH or even S3 compatible memory. Restic considers the storage as not trusted in terms of privacy, so the backup uses strong encryption, which comes in handy when using cloud providers. This article provides a brief instruction on how to use 1und1 IONOS Cloud S3 Object storage as a remote backend.

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2 Minutes
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Containers or FaaS? Don't worry, you are OK!

I recently withness and participate in intensive debates regarding the superiority of either “serverless”/FaaS or containers in any form in terms of management and orchestration. Often, people are very vocal about an extreme position of the spectrum, while I pursue a much more relaxed, neither less opiniated approach. This post is supposed to briefly summarize my opinion. I will not dive deeply into the details of containers and FaaS more than neccessary to avoid redundancy and keep the post focused.

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8 Minutes
View from Montana Roja on Tenerife Island, Canarian Archipelago

How to pass the Amazon Certified Solution Architect Associate Exam

If you are currently preparing for an AWS Solution Architect certification, you might have stumbled across numbers of articles providing hints and experiences on how to pass the exam, often consisting of affiliate links and talking heads on video. In this article, I want to provide my point of view regarding preparation and passing the exam - completely ad-free. Preparation There are several ways of preparing for an AWS Solution Architect Associate (OK Google!

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6 Minutes

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