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Fuzz Testing in Golang

Software testing generally raises an association with tests that determine the correctness of an implementation by asserting against an expected behavior or result. Regardless of their importance, tests on unit- and integration level cannot answer all questions regarding the production readiness of an implementation. Performance, resource efficiency and security become even more important in connection with cloud solutions, where more efficient code has a much higher likelihood of scaling better and saving costs.

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15 Minutes
A sea in the french alps - the continues flow of water and information

Hugo Continous Integration and Deployment

Having used legacy PHP-based CMS solutions such as Wordpress or Typo3 for a long time, I finally switched back to a static website generator, for various reasons. In this article, I want to outline a setup which makes it possible to treat distributed website development as clean as any other software, including versioning and continous deployment. Why Hugo? I retired Wordpress in favor of Hugo for several reasons: Wordpress has a very old codebase with mixed quality and reliability A lot of work was required to make it secure.

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